Committed to the highest standards of results and work ethics, we are with you along each step of the way. From start to conclusion of our audit service, we are involved in maintaining our quality control and analyzing your business needs. Our comprehensive service involves monitoring the constantly changing factors that affect your business goals and helping you in developing strategies to succeed in today's economy.
Our audit services are designed to:
- Identify areas of financial statement risk in your business
- Reduce risk of material misstatement.
- Provide informative financial statement results
- Keep you updated with accounting standards and assist you in implementation
- Inform your management staff of issues such as internal control and directions of improvement
We provide two main types of audit services:
Financial Statement Audit
The financial statement is the starting point for investors when evaluating the financial strength of a firm. Completeness and accuracy of information is a necessary requirement and we are here to help you achieve that. Our financial statement audit services include:- Regulation compliance
- Review of controls and processing system weaknesses
- Confirmation of accounting treatments with respect to complex transactions
- Analysis of accounting and regulatory changes
- Independent review of all financial statements
- Write-up of Accountants' Reports
- Internal Audit
Sound financial statements begin with sound internal control and structure. Our internal audit is designed to help improve the internal audit functions within a business entity. We seek to enhance the quality and efficiency of internal audit processes with thorough analyses of your entity. Our internal audit services include:- Reviewing the internal audit structure
- Assessing current internal control functions and performance
- Developing internal audit functions
- Developing plans and designing framework changes
- Training internal audit and accounting staff
For other assurance and attestation services outside of audit, we also offer compilations and review services. These services are less comprehensive and less in scope than an audit, but we will provide financial statements representative of management that is easy to understand for a typical user.
We have been providing accounting services to companies of all sizes across various industries since our founding. We provide our clients with the latest technology and the highest quality service.
Our Accounting Services include:
- Payroll Processing
- Check calculation
- Check signing and stuffing
- Direct deposits/EFT
- Employee earnings records
- Bookkeeping
- Small business accounting
- Bank reconciliation
- Income statement & balance sheet
- General ledger
- Accounts receivable/payable
- Custom reports
- System Setup & Support
- Preparation of Sales and Use Tax
Our tax specialists have extensive experience in serving a wide range of clients: Individuals, General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, S-corporations, C-corporations, non-profits, fiduciaries, gifts and estates. Our versatility and experience in tax services make up our greatest assets.
Our tax services include:
- Preparation of tax returns
- Tax law compliance
- Income tax planning
- Gift and estate tax planning
- Living trust planning
- Representation at tax examinations
- Tax analysis of proposed business transactions
- International taxation
We hold much pride in our demonstrated ability to bring you the highest caliber service in taxation planning, and that ability has in turn brought us the exceptional reputation amongst our clients and beyond.
Business Consultation:
At KooChow, we offer you a variety of support ranging from growth planning to litigation. Whether you are looking to start a company or re-frame your cost structure, we are here to provide the most pertinent advices and efficient service. Our business consultation services include:
- New business start up
- Business valuation
- Mergers & acquisitions
- Strategic planning
- Profit enhancement studies
- Family business consulting
- Litigation support
- Cost accounting
- Due diligence support
- Ownership succession planning
- Financial restructuring
- Dissolution
Greater China - U.S. Business Development
KooChow's 30+ years of history of serving clients related to the Greater China market has long distinguished us from the rest. Dr. Richard Koo, our founder and managing partner, holds unparalleled track records in helping clients succeed both in the Greater China region and in the U.S. In helping you, we neatly combine the expertise and experience of Dr. Koo and the diligence and efficiency of our staff members. Currently served by us are some of the biggest names and corporations from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China. Our Greater China - U.S. Business Development services mainly aim to assist two sets of clients:
- Clients from the Greater China region establishing themselves in the U.S. market.
- Clients from the U.S. operating in or aiming to enter the Greater China region.
The services we provide include:
- Financial restructuring
- Interpretation of foreign tax legislation
- Advising on foreign accounting areas that are not clearly defined
- IFRS and US GAAP conversion
- Mergers and acquisition
- Seminars in Chinese or English on the U.S. and Chinese taxation systems.
- 鉴定您的财务报表风险
- 降低重大错报风险
- 提供财务报表结果
- 让您知晓并帮助您执行会计法令的更新条款
- 让您的企业管理人员了解内部监控等机制以及改进的方向
每家企业的财务报表是投资者评估这家公司财务实力的出发点,报表信息的完整性和准确性则是必然要求,而我们的服务就是为了帮助您达成这个目标。我们的财务报表审计服务包括:- 测试会计准则和法规的遵从
- 审查控制系统、鉴定系统弱点
- 确认复杂交易的会计处理方式
- 分析会计法规的变化
- 独立审查财务报表内容
- 撰写会计师报告
- 内部审计
健全的财务报表从健全的内部控制和结构开始。我们致力于帮助您的企业提高其内部审计的职能,我们会对您的企业进行彻底的分析,以提高内部审计流程的质量和效率。我们的内部审计服务包括:- 审查内部审计结构
- 评估当前内部控制的功能和性能
- 构建内部审计职能
- 制定计划、设计框架变化
- 培训内部审计和会计人员
- 薪资处理
- 支票计算
- 支票签名和封口
- 直接存款/电汇
- 员工收入记录
- 簿记
- 小型企业会计
- 银行对帐
- 损益表及资产负债表
- 总账
- 应收账款/应付账款
- 客户报告
- 系统设置及支持
- 销售税、使用税的准备
- 准备税务申报
- 确保税法的遵从
- 规划所得税税务
- 规划礼物税和遗产税税务
- 规划生前信托
- 在税务检查时成为税务代表
- 为建议中的交易做税收分析
- 国际税收
- 新业务启动
- 企业评估
- 合并与收购
- 战略规划
- 利润提升
- 家庭企业咨询
- 诉讼支持
- 成本会计
- 尽职调查
- 所有权、继承权规划
- 财务重组
- 公司解散
- 帮助来自大中华区的客户在美国市场上建立基业。
- 帮助正在大中华区运营或希望打入大中华区市场的美国客户。
- 财务重组
- 外国税法的释义
- 没有明确规定的外国会计领域的咨询
- 国际财务报告准则与美国公认会计准则的转换
- 合并和收购
- 关于美国与中国的税收制度的研讨(中、英文均可)
- 鑒定您的財務報表風險
- 降低重大錯報風險
- 提供財務報表結果
- 讓您知曉並幫助您執行會計法令的更新條款
- 讓您的企業管理人員了解內部監控等機制以及改進的方向
每家企業的財務報表是投資者評估這家公司財務實力的出發點,報表信息的完整性和準確性則是必然要求,而我們的服務就是為了幫助您達成這個目標。我們的財務報表審計服務包括:- 測試會計準則和法規的遵從
- 審查控制系統、鑒定系統弱點
- 確認復雜交易的會計處理方式
- 分析會計法規的變化
- 獨立審查財務報表內容
- 撰寫會計師報告
- 內部審計
健全的財務報表從健全的內部控制和結構開始。我們致力於幫助您的企業提高其內部審計的職能,我們會對您的企業進行徹底的分析,以提高內部審計流程的質量和效率。我們的內部審計服務包括:- 審查內部審計結構
- 評估當前內部控制的功能和性能
- 構建內部審計職能
- 制定計劃、設計框架變化
- 培訓內部審計和會計人員
- 薪資處理
- 支票計算
- 支票簽名和封口
- 直接存款/電匯
- 員工收入記錄
- 簿記
- 小型企業會計
- 銀行對帳
- 損益表及資產負債表
- 總賬
- 應收賬款/應付賬款
- 客戶報告
- 系統設置及支持
- 銷售稅、使用稅的準備
- 準備稅務申報
- 確保稅法的遵從
- 規劃所得稅稅務
- 規劃禮物稅和遺產稅稅務
- 規劃生前信托
- 在稅務檢查時成為稅務代表
- 為建議中的交易做稅收分析
- 國際稅收
- 新業務啟動
- 企業評估
- 合並與收購
- 戰略規劃
- 利潤提升
- 家庭企業咨詢
- 訴訟支持
- 成本會計
- 盡職調查
- 所有權、繼承權規劃
- 財務重組
- 公司解散
- 幫助來自大中華區的客戶在美國市場上建立基業。
- 幫助正在大中華區運營或希望打入大中華區市場的美國客戶。
- 財務重組
- 外國稅法的釋義
- 沒有明確規定的外國會計領域的咨詢
- 國際財務報告準則與美國公認會計準則的轉換
- 合並和收購
- 關於美國與中國的稅收制度的研討(中、英文均可)