
Richard Y. Koo, CPA, MBA, PhD


Richard Y. Koo had years of working experience at the auditing department of PricewaterhouseCoopers and is the founder and the managing partner of Koo, Chow & Co., LLP (KooChow). Currently, he also serves as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KC Group International Inc. As an experienced public practitioner in auditing, accounting, finance, taxation, and management service, Dr. Koo has served thousands of clients over the course of three decades. He has graced the cover of Time Magazine, appeared on Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, and was mentioned in numerous other American media sources. Dr. Koo's fame extends beyond the border; international publications such as People's Daily, World Journal, Sing Tao Daily and Guangming Daily have also shed light on his achievements both as an auditing, accounting and taxation specialist and as a member of the Chinese American community.

As a former professor at UCLA, California State University and Claremont McKenna College, Dr. Koo also holds honorary and advisory professorships at Beijing University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University and a dozen other universities in Asia. While serving as an advisor at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dr. Koo was firmly established as a finance and taxation expert. He was a member of National Congressional Committee, USA as well as an advisor on tax reform for the China National Tax Bureau. He had also been appointed as an Acting Secretary of the State of California and elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the Republican Party.

Dr. Koo has been devoting himself to promote Sino-American ties in various sectors of American and Chinese communities. He is affiliated with numerous professional associations and has served as a board member in various business and public entities, including public companies, banks and business associations.



We are exceptionally proud of our talent. Many of our staff members are certified the CPA license and hold degrees in the areas of accounting, finance, business administration and engineering with concentration in auditing, taxation, accounting services and more. Our staff graduated from top-notch universities, such as MIT, Wellesley, and the UC system. Additionally, we are well-versed in different languages, including English, Chinese, and Japanese (Amongst Chinese dialects, we mainly speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, and Shanghaiese).


顾衍时, CPA, MBA, PhD



顾博士曾任教于加州大学洛杉矶分校、加州州立大学和克莱蒙麦肯纳(Claremont McKenna)大学,他也是北京大学、复旦大学、浙江大学和其他十几所中国及亚洲大学的名誉或顾问教授。在担任联合国开发署顾问期间,他奠定了自己财务和税务专家的地位。他曾是美国国会财税委员会成员以及中国国家税务局税务改革项目顾问。他曾被任命为美国加利福尼亚州代理州务卿,并当选为美国共和党全国执行委员会委员。






顧衍時, CPA, MBA, PhD



顧博士曾任教於加州大學洛杉磯分校、加州州立大學和克萊蒙麥肯納(Claremont McKenna)大學,他也是北京大學、復旦大學、浙江大學和其他十幾所中國及亞洲大學的名譽或顧問教授。在擔任聯合國開發署顧問期間,他奠定了自己財務和稅務專家的地位。他曾是美國國會財稅委員會成員以及中國國家稅務局稅務改革項目顧問。他曾被任命為美國加利福尼亞州代理州務卿,並當選為美國共和黨全國執行委員會委員。



